TAG TUESDAY: Social Networks Book Tag

Today I am going to do the Social Networks Book tag which was made by FaultyDevices

Twitter: A book you want to share with the world
In order to not be predictable and say The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, I am going to say Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi. I first learned about this from the film adaptation which was on TV randomly one day and at the end of it I found out it was a couple of graphic novels which I read at a later point.
I want to share it with the world, because at the moment there is a lot of islamophobia going on all around, and this is a look into the Islamic Revolution in Iran from point of view of someone who was a child in both of the eras. People find it too easy to hate muslims in general rather than hating the fundamentalists that force normal people to follow their rules and laws. It does not only let us see the daily lives of Iranians and how it was turned upside down by the revolution, but also the islamophobia and racism the main character experiences when she escapes to Europe, showing how fundamentalism both directly and indirectly causes so much rootlessness in the ones who are oppressed by it.

Facebook: A book you really enjoyed that was recommended by someone else
The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. This was recommended to me by several people over many years, but I did not start reading it until 2013. Because so many people were treating it like the holy grail of their literary interest I was kind of put off because I had followed the hype of Twilight and got severely disappointed. That did not happen with these books though. They are so funny and wonderful.

Tumblr: A book you read before booktube book blogging but haven’t raved much about on booktube on your blog
The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. Le Guin. Despite me considering Le Guin one of my favourite authors, I have not talked a lot about her, but that is about to change.
A couple of years ago I watched the animated film Tales of Earthsea, one of the weaker films coming out of Studio Ghibli. Years later I found out that Le Guin had been criticizing this adaptation along with others for whitewashing her characters. This was what caught my interest because a lot of fantasy stories only have white characters and as someone once pointed out, it is weird that people find it impossible to bring in people of colour in stories with dragons, magic and other unrealistic stuff. So a fantasy series with POC and an author who actively called out adaptations for ignoring this was really intriguing to me and I was definitely happy that I started reading Earthsea books, because I adore her world building, especially in regards to magic, and her characters are fleshed out, wonderful and well-developed. I still need to read her Hainish Cycle books, but I am sure I will love them as much.

Myspace: A book you don’t plan on re-reading
The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor. I really liked the first two books in this series, the conflict was intense, the mythology was very elaborate, some of the characters were a little too saccharine for my taste, but over all quite likable. Also I kept picturing Karou as East-Asian in my head.
Then came the third book and it just felt like it rushed the story, some of the conflicts were fixed so quickly and effortlessly that they seemed completely redundant. I was so frustrated with the conclusion of the story, that I went from being completely convinced that I would purchase the series once I was done reading it – I usually borrow books at the library first to read them before I throw money after them – to not wanting to own the series at all, just because of that last book. It was so disappointing.

Instagram: A book with a gorgeous, picture worthy cover
All the books in the Hogarth Shakespeare series – the Danish editions because those are the ones I own. I mean look at these beauties:

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Youtube: A book you wish would be made into a movie
A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab. In general I just want the Shades of Magic series to get adapted into a film series, because the world I picture in my head would be amazing on the screen. I also want to see Kel and Lila and… screw it, I just want it all.
For real, though, I am so scared that this will be Daughter of Smoke and Bone all over again, and the last book will ruin everything for me. Fingers crossed, you guys

Skype: a book with characters that you wish you could talk to instead of just reading about
Easy, the characters from the Harry Potter series. I wanted to be friends with Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang – even before I found out I was a Ravenclaw like them – and of course, Hermione. I related so much to Hermione in my teens, because I was also a perfectionist and thought good grades were everything.
I would want them to be my age, of course, it would be a little weird for a 26-year-old to hang out with a bunch of mid-teens.

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